Tiger Tails

What is a Tiger Tail?

Tiger tails are split synthetic tubes installed over powerlines to protect workers such as roof tilers, plumbers, builders etc from any accidental contact with live powerlines and provide a visual indication of overhead powerlines.

How do I apply?

Customers do not apply directly for Tiger Tails. Instead, Essential Energy may require Tiger Tails be installed when a customer makes a Request for Safety Advice.

What is the process?

If required, Tiger Tails are installed by Essential Energy personnel and hired for the duration of the work. Once the work is complete we will remove them.

How long will it take?

It generally takes 2 weeks to process a Request for Safety Advice. Once a safety solution is confirmed, we’ll arrange installation for a date that suits both parties.

How much will it cost?

Tiger tails are hired to customer at a per unit cost for the duration of the works. Installation of Tiger Tails by Essential Energy personnel is charged to the applicant at an hourly rate. Refer to Network Safety Services items 8.6 ‘Hire - Tiger Tails’ in our Price Schedule for Ancillary Network Services.

More information

Tiger tails provide a visual indication of overhead powerlines and protection from accidental contact, however they do not provide full protection from live electricity. It is still important to maintain safe clearance and follow all safety protocols when working near powerlines.