Empowering Our People

People are core to our business, and we are committed to creating a work environment where our people feel respected, empowered and valued. We want to create a truly diverse, equitable and inclusive environment.

Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of employees

Safety is a core value, and our employees are empowered to ‘make safety their own’ through personal commitment – protecting their safety and looking out for their colleagues and the communities we serve.

Our goal is to continuously improve our safety practices and performance, with all employees as conscientious safety leaders.

Our safety performance continues to improve, with no Major Lost Time Injuries (LTIs), a 40 per cent reduction in High Potential Incidents (HPIs) and a 29 per cent reduction in Total Recordable Injuries (TRIs) from July 2022 to June 2022.

A decrease in near misses reported was characterised by a 23 per cent reduction in Network Fatal Risk (NFR) 4 (Motor vehicle accident) near misses.

This highlights the positive impact of several driving related programs, implemented over recent years, including:

  • In Vehicle Monitoring System
  • Fleet Inspection and Audit System
  • fleet replacement and improved load and equipment restraints
  • driving safety internal communications

Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Our Health and Wellbeing Strategy is designed to facilitate a culture of holistic health and wellbeing where employees finish work each day healthier than when they started – with initiatives to assist employees in proactively managing their physical, mental, and social wellbeing.

Health and Safety Strategy

Our 2022-25 Health and Safety Strategy, contains six focus areas:

  1. Build safety capabilities
    develop safety capability and accountability at all levels of the organisation
  2. Improve systems and governance
    improve and simplify the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) management system and reporting
  3. Refocus critical control
    drive and embed focus on critical risks and application of critical controls
  4. Promote mental health and wellbeing
    deliver an evidence-based, holistic health and wellbeing framework, driven by continuous improvement
  5. Prioritise public safety
    build awareness of the hazards associated with contact with the electricity network
  6. Advance land transport
    improve focus and understanding on the safety risks related to land transportation activities

Championing an inclusive, supportive and growth-oriented culture

Our Inclusion and Diversity Strategy, aims to ‘build an inclusive and diverse workforce, reflective of the communities we serve, where people can bring their whole selves to work every day’. 

Key inclusion and diversity (I&D) progress during 2021-22 included: 

  • continuing to implement our Reconciliation Action Plan – releasing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Recruitment and Retention Strategy
  • Cultural Learning Strategy
  • Cultural Protocols Policy
  • employee-led I&D working groups continuing to raise awareness by celebrating significant international and national events

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