Life Support FAQs

  • Should I advise my retailer or Essential Energy that I, or someone at my premises, requires life support equipment?
    Yes, you should advise your retailer or Essential Energy, and we will advise each other of your life support registration. You will need to contact your retailer to obtain the NSW Life support rebate.
  • How does a life support customer confirm that they require life support equipment?
    Written confirmation via completion of a Medical Confirmation form is required from a registered medical practitioner – details of registered medical practitioners are available at
  • Can a life support registration relate to any person residing at the premises?
    Yes, Essential Energy registers a premise as requiring life support equipment for any person who resides at the address.
  • Can a customer register multiple premises as having life support?
    Yes. We need to make sure that ALL premises where a person resides with a medical condition requiring life support equipment are registered.
  • Does my life support registration guarantee continuous 24 hour power supply?
    No, we may need to carry out maintenance or upgrade works, or the power may be interrupted for a reason beyond our control.
  • My premises is registered as having life support equipment – what should I do during an unplanned power supply interruption?
    Essential Energy recommends having an emergency plan in place for such circumstances. If a person’s health or life is under threat, they should either attend the nearest hospital or dial ‘000’. Once you register as a life support customer, you will receive a fact sheet outlining important contact numbers and guidance on how to handle planned and unplanned power interruptions – you can refer to this, or ask for another copy of the fact sheet by calling Essential Energy on 13 23 91.
  • When Essential Energy is planning to interrupt supply, how much notice will life support customers receive?
    Customers will receive at least four business days written notice giving details of the date, time and duration the interruption is scheduled for. Otherwise, Essential Energy can obtain explicit consent from a life support customer for a planned interruption occurring on a specified date. The four business days does not include the actual day you receive the notice.
  • My premises is registered as having life support equipment – what should I do if I move house?
    You are required to advise your retailer or Essential Energy of any changes in the need for life support. Any confirmation from a registered medical practitioner should be premises specific, so if you’re moving house, you will need to obtain a new medical confirmation form stating your new address.
  • What should I do if the person who relies on life support equipment is no longer residing at my premises?
    You are required to advise your retailer or Essential Energy if the person for whom the life support equipment is required has vacated the premises or no longer requires the life support equipment.
  • What is the life support emergency number?
    Essential Energy has sent all registered life support customers a letter and a fact sheet with the life support emergency telephone number.

    If you’re a life support customer and you’ve lost the number, please contact Essential Energy on 13 23 91 and we will tell you – the number is confidential and can only be used by life support customers, who receive priority for updates and supply interruption information.
  • How can I apply for the NSW Life Support Rebate?
    You’ll need to contact your electricity retailer to apply for the NSW Life Support Rebate.