Demand Management

Demand Management involves looking for alternate options to complement traditional network solutions.

We examine various cost-effective and ecologically friendly alternatives to effectively utilise our resources and expenditure, with the aim of effectively delivering a safe and reliable energy supply - now and in the future.

We continue to refine the application of traditional Demand Management options and monitor emerging and innovative demand management applications – so as to capture benefits for both customers and stakeholders.

By reducing peak demand through Demand Management strategies, we may be more efficient in the use of our existing infrastructure and therefore offer reduced network costs.

Demand Management register of interested parties

We keep a Register of Interested Parties* who are kept informed of any developments relating to Demand Management. Registered Interested Parties are informed when a Request for Proposal is posted on our website and when the annual Electricity System Development Review has been published.

If you are an individual, private company or Government department who is interested in receiving information in regard to Essential Energy's Demand Management Program or would like to be added to our Register of Interested Parties, please fill in our online form.

If you require more information, or have any enquiries, please contact the Demand Management group by email at

Find out more

To learn more about demand management, you can reference the following links.

Download our Industry Engagement Document - Non-network and Stand-Alone Power System Solutions - CECG5064 (PDF, 817KB)


Australian Websites

Australian Energy Regulator (AER)
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) performs economic regulation of the wholesale electricity market and electricity transmission networks in the National Electricity Market (NEM). It is also responsible for the enforcement of the National Electricity Law and National Electricity Rules.

Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC)
The AEMC is the body responsible for energy market rule-making and market development at the national level. Initially, this will include all National Electricity Market rule-making, market development and market review functions.

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART)
IPART is the independent economic regulator for NSW. IPART oversees regulation in the electricity, gas, water and transport industries and administer the energy licensing regime on behalf of the Minister for Utilities.