Network Tariff Review Process

Essential Energy reviews customer electricity consumption records on a quarterly basis to ensure that each customer is assigned a tariff appropriate to their level of consumption.

Customers requiring a tariff change are advised in writing. We also notify the customer’s retailer.

Tariff changes take effect six months after the date of the written notification to the customer. However, customers can elect to move to the new tariff at any time by contacting their electricity retailer and asking them to send a tariff change request form to Essential Energy via

Prior to making a tariff change, we will re-confirm customer consumption levels to ensure that the new tariff remains appropriate.

Tariff change categories comprise:

  1. Customers on a residential tariff who are identified as using greater than 25MWh. This level of consumption may indicate that a business tariff is more appropriate. We will request confirmation from the Retailer only as to whether the assignment of a residential tariff is still correct.
  2. Customers consuming between 100MWh and 160MWh, currently on Anytime Tariff BLNN1AU but requiring reassignment to TOU tariff BLNT1AO.
  3. Customers consuming greater than 160MWh who should be reassigned to a demand tariff and who will experience an increase in their network charges. These customers will be reassigned to our transitional tariff BLNDTRS, which has been structured to progressively increase to the same level as our standard demand tariff, BLND3AO, by 1 July 2021.
  4. Customers consuming greater than 160MWh who should be reassigned to a demand tariff and who will experience a decrease in their network charges.
  5. Customers who are on a demand tariff but whose consumption has fallen below 160MWh and can move to a different tariff.
  6. Customers consuming greater than 100MWh who don’t currently have an interval meter and who are required under the National Electricity Rules to have one installed.

This review process ensures that appropriate tariff assignments are maintained and that all Essential Energy customers with similar consumption profiles and demands on the network pay similar prices.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Essential Energy by email at, via our web form, or by calling 132391.

Find out more

Demand tariff fact sheet
View the 'Our Network and Distribution Pricing' video
Q&As: Moving customers to demand tariffs
Time of use fact sheet
Q&As: Moving customers to Time of Use tariffs
Fact Sheet - Metering Overview
Fact Sheet - Controlled Load
Correct Tariff Customer Consultation - Final Report September 2016
Business efficiency information